Dog Training

Dog Training is much more than teaching your pooch to sit and stay. From puppy to adulthood, dog training should last throughout your dog’s lifetime. House training, tricks, obedience, agility, service, and therapy – there are many different types of training out there, not to mention the variety of trends and theories that go along with it. goes through the basics and beyond to teach your dog some old and new tricks.

When it comes to efficient and successful Dog Training techniques, there are no universal tricks that work for all dogs. Find the right training strategy that will help you train your pooch in our articles that cover positive reinforcement, Schutzhund method, crate training and more. Looking for a solution to a specific behavioral problem? You’ll find all the answers you need in our complete guides on socialization, efficient training in multiple-dog household, preventing escapes and destructive behavior. Make sure to take a look at our top tips from various experts that cover an array of important Dog Training topics such as learning tricks, modifying unwanted behavior, and age-specific training techniques.

But, even when you learn about methods that work in theory, how can you be sure you’ll get the same results with your pooch? Our reviews of popular training strategies, training aid products, and mentally and physically stimulating activities over at Dog Exercise blog, will clear that up for you. Here at, you will learn about every little detail and get valuable insight that will make the choice easy!

No dog was trained overnight. When you start training your pooch, the most important thing you need to do is to be persistent and patient! Whether you’re trying to housebreak your dog or just want your pooch to learn some useful tricks,’s experts can help you succeed.

How To Keep Your Senior Dog Active

Before you resign your aging pup to a sedentary retirement, consider these options to keep him physically active and mentally stimulated.

How to Teach Your Dog How To Wave

Imagine being able to teach your dog how to wave! This practical trick helps your dog break the ice with strangers, even from a distance.

Why Kind Words Are Eternal to Your Pets

What are the words you'll use to your pets today? Remember that your words are eternal. Here are some examples of how to change your words to your pet.

Winter Training Tips: Getting Started In Skijoring

Skijoring is a team sport. You and your dog work together to get around a trail, tour the back country or glide across the snow on your local golf course.

Dog Etiquette 101: 5 Ways How NOT to Greet a Dog

It's tempting to pet and hug every dog you come across, but that may be not what the pooch wants. Here's what you shouldn't do when greeting a dog.

How to Train a Blind Dog

As our pets age, they’ll inevitably begin to lose some of their senses – particularly their hearing and eyesight. And whether your dog has lost vision due to…

Recall Checklist: Do You Make These Mistakes?

Recall, or "come," is a critical cue for every dog to learn. Set your dog up for success by avoiding these common recall mistakes.

When Does Your Dog Need a Therapist?

When my private training clients are faced with their dog's behavior issue, I recommend "doggie therapy." But when does a dog need "therapy," as opposed to regular training?

How To Survive a New Dog Disaster

Your cute new dog or puppy may bring some not-so-cute consequences. Don't despair! Follow these tips to ease the transition for everyone.

Your Dog Can Text You When He’s Gotta Go With New Barking Mat

Are indoor pee puddles a common sight in your home? Break the habit with the Barking Mat, a cool new house training tool available through Indiegogo.

On-Leash Dog Greetings: Yea or Nay?

Letting your pup greet other dogs while on leash isn't always fun and games. Keep these tips in mind the next time you're on a walk.

Good Dog! The Best Ways To Reward Your Dog

How do you tell your dog he’s done a good job… especially if you want him to do it again? Here are the best ways you can reward your dog Trainin…

Why Dogs Go Through Potty Training Regression (And How to Fix It)

Pooch forgot where to go potty? This is what you need to do when your previously potty-trained dog pees or poops in the house.

6 Common Mistakes You’re Making When Training Your Dog

We all make mistakes - even when it comes to our training our dogs. Let's go over the most common training mistakes and what you can do to correct them.

Teach Your Dog to Love His Carrier

Make sure your dog is as excited about a trip away from home as you are! Follow these guidelines to teach your dog to love his carrier.

5 Fundamental Training Tips for Sport Dogs This Fall

Follow these five fundamental training tips to ensure you're making the most of autumn, and your team is in awesome shape for winter dog sports.

Snout to Snout: Q&A With “Dog Nation” Star Cesar Millan

Before Cesar Millan, his brilliant white teeth, and son Andre, hit the road for their new TV series, we asked him a few questions about "Dog Nation."

3 Easy Ways to Teach Your Dog to Calm Down

It's no secret that dogs aren't always the best at calming themselves down. These three training techniques teach your dog to cool his jets.

How to Stop Begging at the Table

Can't resist those sad, puppy dog eyes? If your chowhound can't keep his paws off of you while you're eating, try these strategies.

10 Training Tips for Eager Greeters

Who's at the door? I bet it's a new friend! If your dog is an eager greeter, try these training tips that will tone down their welcome.

What’s the Right Collar or Harness for My Dog?

Harnesses, collars, and martingales, oh my! The pet industry is overflowing with dog-walking tools, but which one is right for your dog?

Best Dog Clickers

Clicker training can get you great results, so take a look at our selection of the best dog clickers on the market - and their pros and cons.

Trick With a Purpose: Give Paw

Tired of yelling at your dog to stop jumping on people? Train him to be a great greeter by teaching him to "give paw" instead!

Rev Up Your Ho-Hum Walks With Dog Parkour

Turn your surroundings into a doggie playground. Parkour is a fun way to to burn your dog's energy and teach polite leash walking skills.

Mushing Dictionary: A Guide To Dog Mushing Language

Are you interested in dog mushing? Before you get started, you'll need to learn the language of dog mushing.

How To Train a Search and Rescue Dog

So, your little kipper has proven highly successful at finding and recovering errant treats from between the sofa cushions. And now you’re thinking he might…

Best Hands Free Leash

A hands free leash will ensure you have control over your pet at all times - without actually having to use your hand to maintain a firm grip.

How To Teach Your Dog Neighbor Etiquette

You love your dog, but do your neighbors? Make sure your dog has neighbor etiquette indoors and out, so he brings a smile to everyone's face.

Lending A Helping Paw: What’s Involved In Therapy Dog Training

Does your pooch have the right stuff to make a difference and help people who need a furry friend the most? Then you should consider therapy dog training.

Teach Your Dog to Love Coming to You

Does this frustrating behavior sound familiar when it comes to recall? "My dog always comes when called.... except at the dog park."

Best Dog Training Books

Dog training books can offer invaluable insight into the expertise and experience of various professional trainers and dog behaviorist experts.

Best Dog Tunnels

Dog tunnels are an indispensable part of an agility training routine but can also be a fun accessory for playtime. Read on to find out which dog tunnels are the best on the market!

Pulling For Urban Mushing – Is It The Right Activity For Your Dog?

If you want to give your dog an exceptional workout, you should try your hand at Urban Mushing. This sport is perfect for dogs with a high energy drive.

What is a Facility Dog?

You've heard of therapy dogs and service dogs, but what about facility dogs? A facility dog is trained for work in a facility setting.

My Dog Has Too Much Energy. Should I Adopt a Second Dog?

If your current dog needs more exercise and stimulation, getting a second dog may (or may not!) help. Ask yourself these questions.

Should You Bring Your Nervous or Reactive Dog to the Dog Park?

When you have a reactive or nervous dog, playing in the dog park isn't all fun and games. Is there a way for your dog to enjoy the benefits of a dog park?

Curb Your Dog’s Destructive Chewing

To some dogs, everything is a chew toy. If your dog or puppy has an appetite for destruction, it's important to address it sooner rather than later.

The Official Teething Puppy Survival Guide

Those fluffy little jowls are hiding a set of razor-sharp teeth, and between those floppy ears is a brain that is hard-wired to chew on everything in sight.

Teach Your Dog Some Class In Puppy Kindergarten

At this point in your dog's life, it's the perfect time to start puppy kindergarten, which teaches training obedience, and socialization skills.

How to Train Your Pet to Be a Visiting Therapy Dog

So, you think your gentle, people-loving pooch would be a great fit as a nursing home Therapy dog? Let’s start by saying congratulations on exploring this op…

How To Teach Your Dog Polite Café Manners

Going to the café is a doggie privilege, not a right. In a few simple steps, you can teach your pup to be polite in public.

How to Train Your Dog to Leave the Cat Alone

Your dog just won't give your cat a moment of peace. Here's how to train your dog to leave your cat alone.

Ask The Hairy Dogfathers: Newlywed Puppy Problems

Does your dog like to get into hairy situations? Does he have a bad habit he just won’t give up? Does she not play well with others? That problem isn&r…

Why Are Dogs Afraid of Vacuums?

The terrorizing whirl of the motor; its almighty sucking strength; and the fearsome reach of the hose. Do you need to ask: Why are dogs afraid of vacuums?

5 Tidy Tips for Keeping Your Dog Out of the Trash

Guess who got into the trash... again. An irresistible target for curious pups, there are ways to keep your dog out of the trash.

6 Big Signs Of Small Dog Syndrome

Big problems do come in small packages – how to tell if your pooch has small dog syndrome. It’s so easy for a small dog to get her way. Just look…

Simple Mealtime Solutions for Picky Eaters

Does your dog sniff his food and then walk away? It might be time to give your dog a new feeding routine, so he will live to eat, not just eat to live.

Teach Your Dog to Have an Off Switch

Dogs can be extremely persistent when they want a toy, food, or attention. Teach them to cool their jets in a few simple steps.

A Quick Fix to Doggie Doorbell Drama

Does the doorbell send your dog into a frenzy? A simple management solution will keep your dog from going bonkers when he hears "ding-dong!"

Teach Your Dog to Sit… Without Treats!

One of the common misconceptions about positive training is that you have to give your dog treat rewards every time he sits for the rest of his life.

Snoot to Snoot: Q&A With Surf Dog Turbo

Turbo is a loveable Golden Retriever who loves to surf. We had the chance to hang four and get the inside scoop on what it takes to ride the waves.

Can a Dog Be Trained Not to Dig?

Some dogs can't help themselves - they just love to dig holes. But can a dog be training not to dig your yard up?

5 Things You Need to Know About Dog Growls

We all back off when we see a dog growling. There are a few reasons why a dog may be growling at you - here's what you need to know about this behavior.

How to Teach Your Dog to Calmly Ride in an Elevator

For a dog, the elevator can be a frightening place and he may react because of his fear. Here's how to keep your pooch calm while riding in an elevator.

How To Stop A Dog From Barking

There's no way to teach a dog to stop barking, but there are way to curb this habit. We've got some tips that will teach you how to stop a dog from barking.

Will Work For Food: Turn Your Dog’s Mealtime Into Game Time

Here's a different way to spice up meals. These food-dispensing toys and games prove that it really is okay to play with your food.

How To Call a Truce Between Your Dog and Mail Carrier

It's "Thank a Mailman Day." And what better way to thank your mail carrier than to teach your dog to properly greet this daily guest.

Basic Dog Tricks: Shake A Paw

The shake a paw trick is a basic trick that should be one of your dog's standards that he can pull out when guests come over and he wants to impress them.

When is the Best Time to Start Puppy Training?

Of course, it goes without saying that you should start training early, while your doggo is still a puppy. But when exactly is the best time to start puppy training? You can’t do it while they are still teeny-tiny, nor should you wait too long. What is the ideal middle ground?

How To Stop Your Dog From Lunging While Walking

Nothing ruins a walk faster than when your dog lunges as other dogs or people. Here's what to do to stop your dog from lunging while walking.